Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
April 6, 2001
Contracting Office
United States Postal Service, Supplies and Services Purchasing, Automation Purchasing (HQ), 8403 Lee Highway, Dewey Bldg, Merrifield, VA, 22082-8150
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
April 16, 2001
Point of Contact
Robert Grinstead, Sr Purchasing Specialist, Phone (703) 280-7953, Fax (703) 280-8428, Email rgrinst@email.usps.gov -- MaryAnn Smith, Contracting Officer, Phone (703) 280-7806, Fax (703) 280-8428, Email
E-Mail Address
Robert Grinstead (rgrinst@email.usps.gov)
FSM 881 RECYCLING/DISPOSAL CBD ANNOUNCEMENT The purpose of this Solicitation is to identify and procure services for the removal, recycling, and proper disposal of up to 700 Flat Sorter Mail (FSM) 881 Processing Machines nationwide. These 14,000-pound (approx.) machines have the following salvage characteristics: a Mild steel 5,891 lbs. a Cast iron 492 lbs. a Stainless steel 1549 lbs. a Aluminum 313 lbs. a Elect motor 178 lbs. a Wire 801 lbs. a garbage 214 lbs. (mostly plastic and material without recycle value) a No known hazardous material identified. In accordance herewith, competitive offers are solicited for individual locations, regions, and national removal of the palletized machines and possibly machine dismantling. The offer(s) that provide USPS the best value will, after proper evaluation and approval, be accepted. The evaluation will consider eligible offerors' demonstrated capability, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, statement of work compliance, offered price, and contractor's willingness to negotiate a contract. To facilitate the removal and salvage of these systems, USPS is currently dismantling these 14,000 pound machines; removing the computer components and peripherals, barcode readers, electrical systems, and motor drive units, etc., for other Postal applications and placing the systems on pallets outside of the mail operations areas for disposal. In their palletized state, they can be removed very easily and quickly. While the sell and removal of the excess property is intended to relieve USPS of any responsibility or liability for disposal of the property, USPS must be assure of safe and environmentally friendly disposition. More specifically, USPS must insure that disposal does not violate applicable Federal or State environmental laws and the successful contractor(s) must be willing and able to provide such certification to the USPS. Objectives: a Collaboration between the Supplier and the designated USPS representative for each palletized system regarding the verification of ownership and scheduled pickup. a Removal, shipping, assessment of recyclable content, and disposal shall be in accordance with Supplier's approved plan. a The submission of an equipment/salvage disposal report within 30 days of removal. a Authority of USPS to retake improperly disposed of property and charge the Suppliers all such costs; including, but not limited to costs to purchase, remove, ship, and resale, and attorney fees. Quality Control: a The Supplier shall insure those employees and representatives sent on USPS property are properly qualified, have authentic picture identification; and are properly licensed. a The Supplier shall provide all equipment, devices, materials, expertise, and personnel considered reasonably necessary to efficiently and safety remove palletized machines from Postal Service premises, this may include but not be limited to docks, storage areas, operations and warehouse floors. USPS reserves its rights to deny any reasonably objectionable person access to its premises. The scheduled removal dates of the remaining machines are from April 2001 through August 2002 and the locations are throughout the continental US. Other mutually agreeable terms and conditions will be negotiated prior to contract execution. It is estimated that 40 hours are required to remove the equipment from its current location. Please note: Correct email is rgrinste@email.usps.gov This Amendment is issued to provide potential bidders additional clarification. Bidder may elect to propose prices by location, state, region or nationally. USPS currently anticipates awarding contract(s) for the remaining 684 units but does not guarantee a minimum quantity and the bidder must bid accordingly. Quantity discount structures are encouraged. Additionally, each location may elect to palletize the equipment or allow the contractor to enter the facility and remove the equipment; both options shall be priced. Flat bed trucks will be necessary if removed by sections. Parts reuses are encouraged.
Web Link
Visit this URL for the latest information about this (http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS.woa/wa/SPF?A=M&P=512590-01-A-0063&L=3325)
Loren Data Corp. 20010410/PSOL001.HTM (D-096 SN50I5U7)

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Created on April 6, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com