Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
January 30, 2001
Contracting Office
Directorate Of Contracting/Bldg 1239, Oo-Alc 6012 Fir Avenue, Hill Air Force Base, Ut 84056-5820
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
February 9, 2001
Point of Contact
Stephen Harris/Lhkc/[801]586-3470, For additional information contact Stephen Harris/Lhkc/[801]586-3470
E-Mail Address
Click Here to E-mail Buyer***** (Stephen.Harris@hill.Af.Mil)
SUBJECT: R -- INDUSTRY DAY #2 OF 13 FEB 01 CONDUCT DISCUSSIONS ON DRAFT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (DRFP) SOL F42600-01-R-22289 POC Steve Harris, OO-ALC/LHKC, Comm (801) 586-6370/ FAX (801) 586-586-3366 Stephen.m.harris@hill.af.mil DESC: The OO-ALC, Space and C3I Directorate, Mission Planning System Support Facility (MPSSF) is hosting Industry Day #2 on the Mission Planning Support Contract (MPSC). The objective of the MPSC is to provide technical expertise; training, support operations, and logistics support management for sustained automated mission planning capability in the operational community. Provide quality workforce that meets MPSSF worldwide requirements and enhances the reputation of excellence and allow for flexibility to incorporate additional mission planning related workload. The purpose of the Industry Day #2 is to provide a briefing and questions / answer session on the DRFP that will be posted to the MPSC web site on or about 5 February 2001. The DRFP can be found at HTTP://contracting.hillaf.mil/html/SourceSought/SShp.htm. No printed copies of the DRFP will be available. All previous documents associated with the MPSC acquisition can also be found at the web site. The Industry Day #2 will be held on 13 February 2001 at the Eccles Conference Center in Ogden, Utah room 201 from 2:00 -- 5:00 pm. The Industry Day #2 will be held in conjunction with the Mission Planning Users Conference (MPUC). Directions and maps of the facility can be found at http://www.mpssf.hill.af.mil. Additional one-on-one discussions will be available on 14 and 15 February 2001 upon request to Peggy Arensdorf / (801) 777-5635 / fax (801) 777-5802 or peggy.arensdorf@hill.af.mil. To attend the Industry Dry, interested parties must register with Peggy Arensdorf not later than 9 February 2001 by sending an email or fax with the company name and list of attendees (there is no limit on the number of attendees), phone numbers and e-mail address. Any questions, concerns or issues on the DRFP should be placed in writing and submitted to Peggy Arensdorf not later than 9 February 2001. These will be addressed at the Industry Day #2. The Government will not pay for any expenses associated with this Industry Day #2 or for any information submitted by industry. This request is for information only and shall not be construed as a commitment by the Government for any purpose. The approximate issue/response date will be 05 FEB 2001. Electronic procedure will be used for this solicitation. See our Web page.
Web Link
Click here to obtain/view a solicitation. (http://www.fedbizops.gov)
Loren Data Corp. 20010201/RSOL007.HTM (I-030 SN50C2X1)

R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services Index  |  Issue Index |
Created on January 30, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com