Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
January 30, 2001
Contracting Office
Fleet & Industrial Supply Center, Norfolk Detachment Washington, Washington Navy Yard, 1014 N Street SE, Suite400, Washington DC 20374-5014
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
February 8, 2001
Point of Contact
Henry Alford, Contract Specialist (202) 43304264
E-Mail Address
henry_alford@fmso.navy.mil (henry_alford@fmso.navy.mil)
Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Norfolk Detachment Washington, intends to negotiate a sole source procurement with the Department of Astronomy at the University of Virginia. This procurement is in support of the Full-Sky Astrometric Mapping Explorer. The mission will survey the sky to determined the astrometric parameters of interest are (2), proper motion (1), and parallax (2). However, non-linear motions are also of interest, e.g., as they pertain to the presence of companions. The accuracy desired is 50 microarcseconds at 9th magnitude for positions and parallax and 50 microarcseconds per year for proper motions. At 15th magnitude, the corresponding numbers are 50 microarcseconds. In addition, the instrument will estimate the brightness (stellar magnitude) of the stars to lesser accuracy in each of four Sloan Digital Sky Survey bands. The survey will be designed to cover all of the sky with a limiting magnitude intended to be in the range from 14 to 16. The normal mission length is 2.5 years, with an option for an extended mission of comparable length. The Department of Astronomy have the expertise for all phases of the mission (Design, Development, Flight Operation, and Scientific Analysis). The tasks shown below are open ended. They are to be addressed in a balanced way so as to enhance the science yield of the mission. Major support for the FAME mission is as follows: A. Chairman of the FAME Science Team The chairman of the science team handles the communication with the members of the team so they are kept informed concerning the progress of the FAME project. Also the communication from the science team to the project is coordinated. The chairman also represents the science team at FAME meeting, reviews, and telecons. The plans and preparations by the science team for the scientific analysis of FAME data are coordinated by the chairman to the extent necessary. The chairman participate in the communication of the FAME project to the scientific community. The chairman prepares science-related documentation necessary for the FAME project. The chairman prepares the science requirement document at the different levels of requirements and follows the flow down of requirements to ensure that the science requirement will be met. The progress and development of the project are monitored to ensure that the science requirement are met. The chairman works with the data analysis people to ensure that the science teams requirements for data will be satisfied and that the science investigations can be accomplished with the data. The chairman maintains the FAME publication policy and coordinates publication activities among the science team members. The principal investigator is assisted to the extent possible. The chairman of the science team will function for the full duration of the FAME mission. The estimated effort 0.5FTE/yr. B. Scientific Investigations One of the scientific results to be expected from the FAME data is the detection of planet, brown dwarf, and stars that potentially have solar systems around them. This science will be done by determining from the positions, parallaxes and proper motions solutions that the proper motions are non-linear. If periodic motion can be determined for the star, solutions for the characteristic of the companion can be determine. In other cases acceleration terms, or higher than normal error values, will indicate the potential for companions or multiplicity. The pipeline should be established to separate duplicity candidate stars, and then and automatic procedure needs to be developed to process the millions of stars that might have companions. The methodology, techniques, and software for analysis of the stars need to be established. Multiple members of the science team will be participating in this activity so organization and coordination will also be required. Estimated effort 0.5 FTE/yr. II. Specifically, the following will be done in relation to the above tasks. 1. All Phases A. Handle communication between the FAME project and the science team. B. Represent the science team at meeting, reviews and telecons. C. Coordinate the plans and preparations of the science team for the scientific analysis. D. Participate in the communication of the FAME project to the scientific community. E. Prepare science related documentation for the FAME project. F. Prepare science requirements documents and follow the flow down of those requirements to the instrument and space requirements document. G. Monitor the FAME project progress to ensure that the science requirements will be met. H. Work with the data analysis and science operations center personnel to ensure that the science team requirements for data will be met. I. Maintain the FAME publications policy and coordinate communication concerning publications. J. Assist the principal investigator as required. K. Work with the data analysis process in the treatment of stars with non-linear proper motions L. Investigate methods for analyzing FAME data for companions and multiplicity. M. Coordinate the efforts of science team members in analysis of FAME data for planetary detections. III. Expected Level of Effort required for the above Tasks: The following table describe the current estimate of the level of effort for the different stages of FAME and the anticipated schedule for the activities. In addition, travel, page charges graduate and post-doctorial students may be required to complete the above tasks. This plan may change due to, funding variations and unexpected variations in the progress achieved. TABLE PHASE FY FTE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENET 01 1.00 02 1.00 03 1.00 LAUNCH 04 1.00 FLIGHT OPERATIONS 05 1.00 06 1.00 07 1.00 08 1.00 091.0 1.00 SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS 10 1.00 IV. Reporting to USNO The contractor will submit monthly progress and future plan reports using narrative text, graphs and/or schedules. Financial information should be equivalent to NASA form 533M for monthly and 533Q for quarterly reports. Reports are to be prepared using the WBS and cost element structures contained in the CSR. Financial management reporting is to be provided to the total resource (Level III) and by cost element for Level II by the 15th of the following month. All interested parties who beleive they can provide the required services should fully explain their capabilities in writing within 8 days of the date of this announcement. No Solicitation is available. The intent of this Synopsis is to determine if any addidtional source(s)exist and, therefore, no Request of Proposal (RFP) is available. Consequently, any response(s) failing to provide dthe aforementioned data but instead choosing to merely submit a routine letter requesting a copy of the RFP will be ignored. Submit response to to the The Naval Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Norfolk Detachment Washington, Attn: Henry Alford Contract Area 02W2.1D, 1014 N Street SE Suite 400, Washington Navy Yard DC 20374-5014. No telephonic or faxed requests will be honored.
Loren Data Corp. 20010201/DSOL005.HTM (W-030 SN50C2T5)

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Created on January 30, 2001 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com