Loren Data Corp.




Notice Date
December 13, 2000
Contracting Office
24 Special Tactics Squadron, Bldg 3-1947, Room 105, Pope AFB, NC 28308-5000
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
January 30, 2001
Point of Contact
Andrew Martin 9102439057
E-Mail Address
Burgessc@jdi.army.mil (Martina@jdi.army.mil)
The purpose of this sources sought synopsis is to obtain information from sources that feel they are capable of a Lightweight Tactical Runway Light (LTRL). The complete system must be capable of supporting a bi-directional runway and associated taxiways. The requirements are as follows: Each lamp shall have a minimum output of 15 candelas with an objective of 30 candelas and should utilize near white or white lamps to achieve the most energy efficient light output while allowing extended battery life. Lamps may utilize led, incadescent or novel technology to achieve the desired effect. The runway edge lights shall produce omni-directional white light with a single high intensity level. The Threshold/Terminus lights shall utilize red lights on one side and green lights on the other to allow for bi-directional use. The taxiway lights shall utilize blue lights to achieve the desired effect. Interchangeable lenses should not be used to achieve the required color function. Runway edge, taxiway edge, and threshold/Terminus lights shall be powered by commercially available and inexpensive disposable lithium or alkaline batteries such as he AA, AAA, and 9V. Each light shall have a minimum usable light output of siz (6) hours and an objective output time of sixteen (16) hours. Acceptable dimensions for each light is 3"x4"x2" with battery installed. In addition, Lightweight Tactical Runway Light General Arrangement Kit. This kit shall consist of 44 white runway edge lights, 10 red/green runway threshold/terminus lights, 20 blue taxiway edge lights. Each individual light must be capable of functioning independently of the other, enabling users to combine different combinations of lights to support a specific mission. The kit must be capable of being installed in support of a 10,000 foot runway in less than 30 minutes by a team of Air Force personnel. This is a sources sought and does not commit the Government to award a contract under the above listed terms, nor is the Government responsible to pay for bid proposal information submitted. Contractors responding to this RFI do so at their own expense. To be considered for a planned procurement, contractors should provide technical literature describing available products, cost information, and following products samples for evaluation: 1 Runway edge light, 1 Runway Threshold/Terminus light, 1 Taxiway edge light. Data and product samples should be mailed to Mr Andrew Martin, 24th Special Tactics Squadron/DOR, Bldg 3-1947, Pope AFB NC 28308 (910)2439057. After a short evaluation period, individual lights will be returned to the contractor.
Loren Data Corp. 20001215/58SOL005.HTM (W-348 SN5087T7)

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Created on December 14, 2000 by Loren Data Corp. -- info@ld.com