Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Geological Survey, 205B 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192

D -- TECHNICAL, RESEARCH, AND SYSTEM EVALUATION SUPPORT POC Amanda Goodwin 703-648-7372 (contact) Maggie Russell 703-648-6366 (CO) Market Search. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) anticipates entering into non-competitive negotiations with Aerospace Corporation of El Segundo, CA to provide technical and research support and system evaluation for the Hazard Support System (HSS) located at the USGS Advanced Systems Center (ASC) in Reston, Virginia. The HSS is a prototype designed to detect wildland fires, volcanic activity, and associated volcanic ash clouds in near real time. The HSS prototype operations began in September 1999. Currently, the HSS is being operated and maintained under a contract with Raytheon Corporation. However, there is a need for additional support for the continued development of the HSS from prototype to operational status. Contractor support will include at a minimum: support USGS HSS Program Office and the HSS prime contractor in the evaluation of system performance in all three mission areas (fire, volcano, and volcanic ash); work with the HSS prime contractor on algorithm improvements in areas of expertise; perform studies and related research tasks designed to improve HHS performance and/or demonstrate new HSS capabilities; and provide presentations and/or written reports regarding initiatives and studies undertaken in support of the HSS. For the past three years, Aerospace has been a member of a highly specialized cadre assembled to progress the HSS from prototype to operations as quickly as possible. As such, Aerospace has intimate knowledge of the project that can not be duplicated without a substantial learning curve. Firms who believe they can provide the required technical and research support invited to submit an affirmative response within 45 days of the publication of this announcement in accordance with Note 22. All such responses will be evaluated in order to determine whether that firm has full knowledge and capabilities to meet the USGS's requirement for timely and successful HSS transition from prototype to operational status. An affirmative response shall include literature, brochures, and other such information corresponding to the required items which demonstrates the capabilities of the offeror. This notice is for information purposes only. Request for Proposal (RFP) is not available. This notice may represent the Government's only official notice of this procurement. Posted 06/02/00 (W-SN460903). (0154)

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