Loren Data Corp.




Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Acquisition Management, 400 7th St. SW, Washington, DC, 20590

A -- RESEARCH PROJECT ENTITLED, "A MODERN DESIGN STANDARD FOR ROCK FALLOUT AREAS" SOL DTFH61-00-Q-00071 DUE 060200 POC Donna McAleer, Contracting Officer, Phone (202) 366-4270, Fax (202) 366-3293, Email donna.mcaleer@fhwa.dot.gov WEB: Visit this URL for the latest information about this, http://www.eps.gov/cgi-bin/WebObjects/EPS?ACode=P&ProjID=DTFH61-00-Q-0 0071&LocID=30. E-MAIL: Donna McAleer, donna.mcaleer@fhwa.dot.gov. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) intends to enter into a Purchase Order with the Oregon Department of Transportation to provide funds for research project SPR-003(032) _A Modern Design Standard for Rock Fallout Areas._ The SPR-003(032) is an ongoing project being managed by the Oregon Department of Transportation and the purpose of the Purchase Order is to provide additional funds to complete work previously authorized. Since this is an on-going project, Oregon Department of Transportation is the only source known to FHWA that possesses the unique qualities necessary to complete the work and is therefore considered the sole source for this requirement. The PRIMARY CONTACT FOR THIS REQUIREMENT IS SANDRA BACON, FHWA OREGON DIVISION OFFICE, 503-399-5749, e-mail sandra.bacon@fhwa.dot.gov. This is a Simplified Acquisition and the anticipated award date is on or about June 16, 2000. Posted 06/02/00 (D-SN460844). (0154)

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