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USDA Forest Service, 2222 West 2300 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119

Y -- MILEROCK-WARNICK PICNIC SITE DEMOLITION AND REBUILDING SOL IFB18-99-091 DUE 091599 POC Nelda Montgomery 801/975-3443/Contracting Officer, Karen Goodsell, 801/975-3442 WEB: nmontgom/wo_gstc@fs.fed.us, nmontgom/wo_gstc@fs.fed.us. MODIFICATION -- CHANGE SOLICITATION NUMBER. This project consists of demolition of existing facilities, site preparation and grading, clearing and grubbing, and waste removal and disposal. New construction includes 2 ashpalt-surfaced parking lots; asphalt-surfaced paths; pad for future comfort station; a 1" galvanzied steel waterline with hydrant; a 25 person group picnic unit with concrete pad, tables, fire circle, utility table, dutch oven firepan, and pedestal grill; and 6 single family picnic units with concrete pad, tables, and fire circle. Other work includes traffic striping; barrier rock salvage, purchase, and placement; furnish and installation of bulletin board and signs; and seeding. This project is located in Utah County, Utah on the Uinta National Forest, 13 miles East of Interstate 15 in American Fork Canyon. This project is estimated to be between $100,000 and $250,000. Soliciations may be ordered by sending a written request to the above address with a $15.00 nonrefundable check madeout to USDA Forest Service.*** Posted 07/26/99 (W-SN358895). (0207)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0100 19990728\Y-0011.SOL)

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