Loren Data Corp.




Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, P.O. Box 907, Baker City, Oregon 97814

Z -- TRAIL RECONSTRUCTION SOL R6-16-99-38 DUE 091399 POC Contracting Section, 541-523-1209 This solicitation is to secure services for trail reconstruction in two different locations. The Upper Temperance Creek Trail project consists of 4548 linear meters of clearing and grubbing, 3548 linear meters of excavation and embankment, the construction of 50 switchbacks, the installation of 30 rock waterbars and the construction of one shallow stream ford. The Temperance-High Trail project consists of 8140 linear feet of excavation and embankment, 9040 linear feet of clearing and grubbing, 4675 linear feet of existing trail restoration, 187 square feet of rock retaining wall, the construction of 18 switch backs and 11 individual rocks for removal and disposal. The entire project is located within the Hells Canyon Wilderness and the use of motorized equipment will be prohibited. The government estimate is between $100,000 and $250,000. The project is located within the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Wallowa County, Oregon. The estimated start work date is September 30, 1999. Posted 07/21/99 (W-SN357341). (0202)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0194 19990723\Z-0044.SOL)

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