Loren Data Corp.




Department of Veterans Affairs, James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, AMMS (90C), 13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., Tampa, FL 33612

Q -- READJUSTMENT COUNSELING SERVICE FOR ELIGIBLE VETERANS SOL 673-5-2000 DUE 081299 POC Annette Neideffer, 813-972-7635 Readjustment counseling services for eligible veterans referred by the V.A., consists of counseling provided by social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists or other counselors, individually or in groups to ameliorate social, psychological or behavioral impairment which interferes with veteran's relationships, or overall ability to cope with problems encountered in daily life. Services needed in Brevard County, Florida. The provider must be physically located in Brevard County of Florida. The above bid opening date should be considered "on or about". SIC Code: 8093 -- subject to the availability of funds -- only written or faxed requests for the solicitation received directly from the requestor are acceptable. Teh fax number is 813-903-4838. Posted 06/30/99 (W-SN348776). (0181)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0062 19990702\Q-0006.SOL)

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