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U.S. Agency for International Development, M/OP, RRB. Room 7.10-040, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20523-7101

R -- COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE POPULATION LEADERSHIP PROGRAM (PLP) WORLDWIDE DUE 080798 POC Contact Point: Aman Djahanbani, 202-712-1055, Contracting Officer, Sharon Zavestoski TITLE: Cooperative Agreement to Provide Population Leadership Program (PLP) Worldwide. USAID intends to sign a five-year cooperative agreement for the Population Leadership Program(PLP) in March 1999 with the Public Health Institute. PLP represents a collaborative partnership between USAID and the Public Health Institute, a nonprofit organization based in Berkeley, California. PLP activities have contributed significantly to strengthening USAID's leadership role in the field of population, reproductive health and maternal/child health by cultivating and supporting a network of skilled Population, Health and Nutrition (PHN) leaders worldwide. PLP continues to enhance the effectiveness of USAID-sponsored population, family planning and reproductive health programs by: placing and supporting mid-to senior level technical advisors worldwide; offering an executive-level continuing education program concentrated on improving leadership capacity; and establishing a series of workshops and seminars focused on developing and strengthening individuals capacity to manage and support PHN programs worldwide. Given the emphasis on skills development in management and leadership, an affiliation with an American University will continue to be viewed as a unique and beneficial aspect of this Agreement. Through this affiliation PLP advisors benefit from participation in the executive level continuing education program which promotes technical exchanges and transfers. Additionally, this affiliation will ensure that technical advisors are continually exposed to cutting-edge management and leadership ideas and methodologies. PLP continuing education consists of an annual, three-day leadership retreat, independent study materials, bi-monthly workshops amplifying themes explored in the retreat, a series of management skill training sessions, coaching in leadership and management, and support for professional development. The annual leadership retreat increases participants' self-awareness of management and leadership styles through the use of assessment tools and introduces key leadership concepts and skills such as: building personal and group communication skills, with an emphasis on effective listening and verbal and nonverbal communication; recognizing personal and group values; and cultivating dialogue in organizations. Follow-up seminars/workshops cover a broad range of skill areas, with a strong emphasis on application in the workplace. Topics have included: inspiring and motivating others; teamwork and group facilitation; conflict management; leading from behind; technical and administrative writing; and presentation skills. Through PLP, USAID benefits from access to specialized technical experts for limited-term (two year) assignments. PLP advisors represent a broad array of technical expertise, capabilities and country experiences. Areas of expertise include: Adolescent Health, Family Planning Service Delivery, Anthropology, Gender Issues, Biomedical Sciences, HIV/AIDS, Child Survival, Nursing and Midwifery, Communications, Operations Research, Contraceptive Logistics, Population Policy, Demography, Private Sector Initiatives, Donor Coordination, Systems Analysis, Economics, and Training and Education. PLP will continue to support on-going PHN programs, particularly population, family planning, reproductive health, maternal and child health in at least 15 developing countries as well as centrally-funded activities in Washington. PLP Advisors continue to contribute to a number of major innovations in the PHN field such as new and improved contraceptive methods, improved public and private sector service delivery systems, a global Child Survival initiative, and the mobilization of the international community response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. PLP Technical Advisors have assumed important country-specific tasks/roles. Often PLP advisors provide technical assistance to countries during the development of results packages and strategic plans. They backstop and support PHN programs during the implementation stage as well. All questions related to this notice must be addressed in writing to Mr. Aman Djahanbani, fax number (202) 216-3052 or e-mail adjahanbani@usaid.gov. This CBD notice can be viewed and downloaded from the USAID external web site. The worldwide web address is http://www.info.usaid.gov. Select Business and Procurement Opportunities from the home page, then "USAID Procurements." On the following screen, select "Download Available USAID Solicitations. Receipt of this notice through Internet must be confirmed by written notification to the contact person noted above. It is the responsibility of the recipient of this document to ensure that it has been received from Internet in its entirety and USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission of conversion processes. Posted 07/08/98. (0189)

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