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The Chicago Housing Authority, 626 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60661-5601

Z -- DEMOLITION OF HIGH RISE MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS POC JIM CASEY, SR. BUYER, 312-791-8500, X-4094, FAX 312-382-1447, EMAIL JCasey@thecha.org E-MAIL: Jim Casey, Sr. Buyer, Purchasing & Contracts, JCasey@thecha.org. The Chicago Housing Authority is seeking qualified contractors for its proposed 1998 engineered demolition and/or implosion demolition projects of high rise multiple story public housing buildings. Qualified Demolition Contractors interested in bidding these proposed demolition projects for CHA should submit their qualifications for each type of demolition to Chicago Housing Authority, Attention: Jim Casey, Sr. Buyer, Purchasing & Contracts, 626 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60661. Qualification packages should contain: Past experience examples; references with firm names and contact names, addresses, phone and fax numbers; equipment listings; Safety program and Complience with OSHA; and your quality program. If you have questions about qualification submittals, call Jim Casey at 312-791-8500, x-4094, email Jcasey@thecha.org, fax 312-382-1447. (0155)

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Z - Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property Index Page