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NASA/Lewis Research Center, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, OH 44135

70 -- NASTRAN LICENSE SOL RFO3-094071 DUE 052698 POC Linda M. Kendrick, Contracting Officer, Phone (216) 433-2407, Fax (216) 433-5185, Email Linda.M.Kendrick@lerc.nasa.gov WEB: Click here for the latest information about this notice, http://nais.nasa.gov/EPS/LeRC/date.html#RFO3-094071. E-MAIL: Linda M. Kendrick, Linda.M.Kendrick@lerc.nasa.gov. NASA Lewis Research Center (LeRC) intends to procure a Comprehensive NASTRAN Structural Analysis Solver Capability for a period of one year, with up to 4 options (each for a consecutive one-year period). In order to achieve this Comprehensive NASTRAN Capability, LeRC is inviting offers for three separate categories of NASTRAN solver: one LIMITED-SITE (hereinafter, SITE) license that shall be installed on a compute-server; one FLOATING-SEAT (hereinafter, SEAT) license that shall be installed on a maximum of five desktop computers on-site at LeRC; and, one COMPREHENSIVE license (which incorporates features of the floating seat license into the limited-site license) that shall be installed on a compute-server. Offerors may submit offers for the SITE LICENSE ONLY, or the SEAT LICENSE ONLY, or both. SEAT LICENSE offerors may also submit an Offer for the COMPREHENSIVE license. This is a COMBINED SYNOPSIS/REQUEST FOR OFFER (RFO) for commercial items prepared in accordance with FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; offers are being requested herein. A written solicitation will not be issued. It is the offeror's responsibility to download a copy of this RFO and to monitor this site for the release of any amendments to this RFO. This RFO and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through the FAC 97-01. The DPAS rating is DO-C9. The Federal Supply Classification Code is 7030. The SIC Code is 7379. The Small Business Size Standard is $18 Million (annual receipts, three (3) year average). The offer shall state the Offeror's size status. Offerors are encouraged to use the Standard Form (SF) 1449 to submit their offer. The World Wide Web URL for the SF1449 in ASCII text format is http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/Procure/sf1449.txt. In Rich Text Format (RTF), the URL is http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/Procure/sf1449.rtf. FAR 52.212-1, "Instructions to Offerors -- Commercial Items", applies to this acquisition. Addenda (incorporated by reference) are as follows: FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (48 CFR CHAPTER 1) PROVISIONS: 52.204-6 (DEC 1996) CONTRACTOR IDENTIFICATION NUMBER -- DATA UNIVERSAL NUMBERING SYSTEM (DUNS) NUMBER; 52.217-5 (JUL 1990) EVALUATION OF OPTIONS; 52.233-2 (AUG 1996) SERVICE OF PROTEST -- Insert in paragraph (a) "Karen Huth, MS 500-313)". NASA FAR SUPPLEMENT (48 CFR CHAPTER 18) PROVISIONS: 1852.215-75 (DEC 1988) EXPENSES RELATED TO OFFEROR SUBMISSIONS; 1852.233-70 (MAR 1997) PROTESTS TO NASA. Further addenda to FAR 52.212-1 are as follows: NONE QUESTIONS regarding this acquisition must be submitted in writing to the Contracting Officer no later than May 14, 1998. OFFERS ARE DUE to the Contracting Officer specified above, by 4:30 P.M., local time, on May 26, 1998. Offers may be submitted via mail to the Contracting Officer or via FAX at (216)433-5185. (This is NOT A SECURED FAX.) Offers must be signed by an authorized company representative and shall include all information required by FAR 52.212-1. Further, offerors must include completed copies of the provisions at FAR 52.212-3, "Offeror Representations and Certifications -- Commercial Items" and LeRC 52.232-107, "Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 -- Certification" with their offer. These representations and certifications will be incorporated by reference into the resultant contract. The provisions and clauses cited in this RFO reside on the World Wide Web. The URL for FAR 52.212-3 is http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/Procure/rep_cert.txt. Links to the remaining provisions and clauses are maintained under "Helpful Procurement Tools", "Federal Procurement Assistance Sites" on the Lewis Research Center Procurement Home Page, URL http://www/lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/Procure/home.htm. An ombudsman has been appointed. See Note "B". Prior to contacting an Ombudsman, prospective Offerors are expected to attempt to resolve any questions/concerns through the Contracting Officer. SELECTION AND AWARD will be based upon overall Best Value to the Government, with consideration given to the factors of proposed technical merit, price, and past performance. The specific value characteristics are as follows: 1. DOCUMENTATION -- CD-ROM documentation is preferable to On-Line documentation; On-Line documentation is preferable to hard-copy/printed documentation. 2. CAPABILITIES -- The SITE license capabilities set forth are Minimum Requirements. The following capabilities are desired by LeRC, and the greatest number of the following capabilities provided by the offered SITE license NASTRAN Solver will be of value to LeRC (in descending order of importance): 2.a. Cyclic Statics, Cyclic Normal Modes and Cyclic Direct Frequency Response; 2.b. Nonlinear Transient Response; 2.c. Aeroelastic Analysis capability; 2.d. Combined transient structural and heat transfer analysis capability; 2.e. Automatic Initial Conditions/Equilibrium for transient analysis; 2.f. User customizing of existing solution algorithms with Fortran programs; 2.g. Interactive Database Query; 2.h. Design Optimization; 2.i. Ability to output MPC forces. [This Criteria does not apply to the SEAT License evaluation.] 3. SINGLE PROVIDER PREFERENCE -- LeRC believes that it could derive some benefit from supporting only one NASTRAN Solver, instead of two separate Solvers. [A second solver could result in lost worktime for additional training, an additional PATRAN interface, additional internal system support costs, etc.] In the event that LeRC has a choice between having a single NASTRAN provider for all its NASTRAN needs (the COMPREHENSIVE license), or awarding to two NASTRAN providers (separate contracts for the SITE license and the SEAT license), LeRC's preference is to award a single contract. 4. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS & CONDITIONS -- The Offeror's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this RFO, exactly as herein set forth, is of value to the government. For selection purposes, technical, price and past performance are essentially equal in importance. Offerors MUST provide adequate detail to allow evaluation of each offer (See FAR 52.212-1). (End of SELECTION AND AWARD) ATTENTION SITE LICENSE OFFERORS! It is anticipated that the Solver Site License will be loaded on a NASA-owned SGI Iris Challenge L server, or equivalent. This server has 8 processors (196 MHz R10000 IP25) and 1GB RAM. It is anticipated that several other engineering analysis programs will also reside on this compute-server. However, NASA anticipates that several hardware changes could be made during the life of this NASTRAN contract and wishes to retain flexibility in moving the NASTRAN license to other machines, as needed. Therefor, Offerors shall price their Site License in accordance with the PRICE ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE, in the Contract Information section of this announcement, below. ATTENTION SEAT LICENSE & COMPREHENSIVE LICENSE OFFERORS! It is essential that the government maintain, at minimum, the integrity and accuracy of its current NASTRAN solving capability. LeRC has hundreds of legacy programs that have provided solutions which are currently being applied throughout NASA. The purpose of the SEAT license is to assure that this capability is retained. Therefor, the government reserves the right to conduct a technical test/evaluation of any NASTRAN solver submitted in response to this SEAT license specification. If conducted, the test shall occur in the space of one workday, and will include a minimum of three and a maximum of six problems. At least one problem will address a legacy DMAP program, and at least one problem will address a problem that incorporates non-linear transient response with nonlinear elements. The results of the test will be compared to the results of the same problem as solved by LeRC's current NASTRAN solver (MacNeal-Schwendler Corp. the current NASTRAN provider, and legacy programs are currently being run on v67.5, v68, v69, & v70), and only a perfectly identical result (0.00% variance, including but not limited to speed, memory, & storage) for every problem will be deemed acceptable. Only acceptable solvers will be eligible for award for the SEAT or COMPREHENSIVE license; unacceptable products will not be considered further for the SEAT or COMPREHENSIVE license. SEAT license Offerors may anticipate a date 5-20 days after the RFO closing date as the "test date". NASA anticipates that SEAT license offerors will send at least one technical expert to LeRC on the test date, with the offered product, to perform the test. Absolutely no conversion or other manipulation of the problems will be permitted prior to or during the performance of the test, as NASA will not absorb the cost (neither in terms of money or time) involved in a wholesale conversion of its legacy DMAP programs, nor is NASA willing to absorb the risk factor created by changes to these legacy programs. ******* CONTRACT INFORMATION ******* This procurement is being conducted under the NASA MidRange Pilot Test Program approved by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. >>>>> SITE LICENSE SPECIFICATIONS/REQUIREMENTS: <<<<< The NASTRAN SITE LICENSE SOLVER shall provide the following analytical solution capabilities: (1) LINEAR OR NONLINEAR STRUCTURAL STATICS -- Material Nonlinearity, Inertia Relief, Geometric Nonlinearity with Differential Stiffness Updates, Ability to apply both translational and rotational acceleration forces; (2) STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS -- Component Mode Synthesis with External Dynamic Models, Lanczos Eigenvalue Extraction, Normal Loads with Pre-load/Differential Stiffness, Direct/Modal Complex Eigenvalue, Direct/Modal Frequency Response, Direct/Modal Transient Response; (3) BUCKLING; (4) STATIC STRUCTURAL & STEADY STATE HEAT TRANSFER (Linear and Nonlinear capability). In addition, for all solution capabilities other than Nonlinear Structural Statics, the ability to sub-structure a given model is required. Also, the SITE LICENSE SOLVER shall have layered composite analysis capability. >>>>> FLOATING SEAT LICENSE SPECIFICATIONS/REQUIREMENTS: <<<<< The NASTRAN SEAT LICENSE SOLVER shall meet all of the requirements/specifications set forth above for the Site License solver. In addition, the SEAT LICENSE SOLVER shall provide the following analytical solution capabilities: (5) NONLINEAR TRANSIENT RESPONSE WITH NONLINEAR ELEMENTS; (6) DESIGN OPTIMIZATION; and, (7)AEROELASTICITY. For all solution capabilities other than Nonlinear Structural Statics, the ability to sub-structure a given model is required. Also, the FLOATING SEAT LICENSE SOLVER shall have layered composite analysis capability. [Because the SEAT License will be installed on-site at a government installation, some elements of the Software License Addendum are negotiable.] >>>>> COMPREHENSIVE LICENSE SPECIFICATIONS/REQUIREMENTS: <<<<< The NASTRAN COMPREHENSIVE LICENSE SOLVER shall meet ALL of the NASTRAN FLOATING SEAT license requirements/specifications listed above, AND shall comply with EVERY stipulation in the Software License Addendum set forth below. ********REQUIREMENTS/SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL LICENSES:********** The NASTRAN SOLVER shall be a fully-tested, commercially available product as of the date of this announcement. Market availability may be established by public information (such as web-site information, printed brochures, or by government users). The information supplied with the offer will be used by LeRC to determine whether the offered product meets the requirements/specifications/capabilities set forth herein. The government reserves the right to require an actual demonstration, at LeRC, of any product whose functionality cannot be validated via public information. On the System level, it is required that the SOLVER has restart capability, with appropriate features to allow the user to create, manipulate, and split program database files. Also, the SOLVER shall provide Direct Matrix Abstraction Programming (DMAP) capability to allow for user customizing of existing solution algorithms. With a minimum number of corrections, the SOLVER shall analyze finite element models generated by MSC/PATRAN and SDRC/IDEAS, and shall generate output files that allow for post-processing with MSC/PATRAN and SDRC/IDEAS. TELEPHONE SUPPORT: Telephone Support is required during normal business hours (8:00am EST to 5:00pm EST, Monday through Friday), for user and administrator assistance. DOCUMENTATION: The Contractor is required to provide TWO COPIES of all applicable documentation (such as a User's Guide, a Reference Manual, etc.). In addition, the Contractor shall provide up to TWENTY COPIES of its "quick/easy reference guide" during each year of the contract, on an "as needed" basis (when requested by LeRC technical personnel). MAINTENANCE: Upgrades and revisions shall be provided as available to other customers. De-bugs shall be provided on an as-needed basis. (End of SPECIFICATIONS) ADDENDUM TO ALL SOFTWARE LICENSES: Most commercial software licenses contain certain elements which are appropriate for private party transactions, but are not acceptable to the federal government.In accordance with NFS 18-52.227-86, the standard commercial software license(s) for this contract are attached hereto and made a part hereof, with the following stipulations: (a) Lewis Research Center operates a research/test facility known as "Plumbrook", which is located near Sandusky, Ohio. "Lewis Research Center", as used herein, includes the Plumbrook facility. (b) Any reference to the employees of the licensee, particularly in terms of any usage constraint, includes all NASA Lewis Research Center Civil Servant employees, and any of the employees of Government contractors, collectively referred to by the Government as "support service contractors (SSCs)". SSCs are persons regularly located/employed on-site at, or in the immediate vicinity of, Lewis Research Center. "Immediate Vicinity" includes Aerospace Park and the Ohio Aerospace Institute. (c) Any references to the premises of the licensee refers to and includes the entire geographical area known as "Lewis Research Center", plus a 5 mile radius (which would include Aerospace Park and the Ohio Aerospace Institute). (d) The following clause is hereby added to the software license: "Nothing herein affects the Government's rights under the Termination clauses." (e) The following clause is hereby added to the software license: "Notwithstanding any other provision of this software license, the agreement between the licensor and licensee shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the United States of America. Any reference to the laws of an individual State is hereby deleted." (f) Any mention of State and/or Local taxes in the software license is hereby deleted in its entirety. The signatory company hereby acknowledges that FAR 52.229-3 is applicable to this transaction, and that NASA Lewis Research Center is exempt from these types of taxes. [Exemption Number 34-0715724] (g) Any reference to licensee indemnification of the licensor is hereby DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY, as is any other reference that may be construed as a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act. (h) Any references implying "immediateness" are defined as meaning "within 10 working days". (i) Any references to payment terms are deleted. Payment terms are set forth in the purchase document. (j) ORDER OF PRECEDENCE: Any statement that specifies or implies that the terms of the software license supersede the terms of any other agreement between the parties is hereby DELETED IN ITS ENTIRETY. In the event a conflict arises between an interpretation of the terms of the software license and an interpretation of the terms of the addendum to the software license, the addendum has precedence. In the event a conflict arises between either an interpretation of the terms of the software license or an interpretation of the terms of the addendum to the software license, and an interpretation of the terms of the purchase document, the purchase document has precedence. (End of ADDENDUM) CLAUSE: DELIVERY shall be FOB Destination to NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH 44135. The inspection and acceptance point is NASA Lewis Research Center. CLAUSE: The Contract TERM shall begin on July 1, 1998 and shall end on June 30, 1999. The government has four consecutive unilateral options of one year of performance each. CLAUSE: FIRM FIXED PRICE -- [a] The total firm fixed price of this contract for the period 7/1/98 through 6/30/99 is $__ __ __ __ ___. [b] If applicable, the total firm fixed price of this contract for the period 7/1/99 through 6/30/00 is $__ __ __ __ ___. [c] If applicable, the total firm fixed price of this contract for the period 7/1/00 through 6/30/01 is $__ __ __ __ ___. [d] If applicable, the total firm fixed price of this contract for the period 7/1/01 through 6/30/02 is $__ __ __ _&llmdash; ___. [e] If applicable, the total firm fixed price of this contract for the period 7/1/02 through 6/30/03 is $__ __ __ __ ___. CLAUSE: PRICE ADJUSTMENT -- NASA anticipates that several hardware changes could be made during the life of this NASTRAN contract. Therefor, the Government has defined the current NASTRAN operations in terms of the Gross Asset Value (GAV) of the computer systems whereon the license is stored/runs/accessed. A "unit of NASTRAN capacity" is $10,000 worth of GAV. Currently, NASA intends to load the NASTRAN license on a server that cost NASA $275,000 (including equipment upgrades), which is equivalent to 28 units of NASTRAN capacity. (The annual cost of 28 units of NASTRAN capacity is equal to the FIRM FIXED PRICE for the period beginning 7/1/98 and ending 6/30/99.) The Government has the unilateral right to upgrade the equipment whereon the software license is loaded/resides. Therefor, the Government retains the unilateral right to adjust the price it is charged for the NASTRAN seat license upward or downward (prorated on a monthly basis), as the GAV increases or decreases, as follows: $__ __ __ __ per month, per each unit of NASTRAN capacity. FAR 52.212-4, "Contract Terms and Conditions -- Commercial Items", applies to this acquisition. Addenda (incorporated by reference) are as follows: FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (48 CFR CHAPTER 1) CLAUSES: 52.203-3 (APR 1984) GRATUITIES; 52.203-8 (JAN 1997) CANCELLATION, RESCISSION AND RECOVERY OF FUNDS FOR ILLEGAL OR IMPROPER ACTIVITY; 52.211-16 (APR 1984) VARIATION IN QUANTITY -- Insert in Paragraph (b) "-0-","-0-", and "ALL ITEMS"; 52.217-7 (MAR 1989) OPTION FOR INCREASED QUANTITY -- SEPARATELY PRICED LINE ITEM -- Insert "30 DAYS PRIOR TO CONTRACT COMPLETION"; 52.225-11 (OCT 1996) RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN FOREIGN PURCHASES; 52.227-14 (JUN 1987) RIGHTS IN DATA - -- GENERAL, as modified by 1852.227-14 NASA FAR Supplement (OCT 1995); 52.247-34 (NOV 1991) F.O.B. DESTINATION; 52.253-1 (JAN 1991) COMPUTER GENERATED FORMS. NASA FAR SUPPLEMENT (48 CFR CHAPTER 18) CLAUSES: 18-52.215-84 (OCT 1996) OMBUDSMAN -- Insert "Dr. Julian M. Earls", "(216) 433-3014", "Tom Luedtke" and "(202) 358-2090"; 18-52.219-74 (SEP 1990) USE OF RURAL AREA SMALL BUSINESSES; 1852.219-76 (JUL 1997) NASA 8 PERCENT GOAL; 1852.227-86 (DEC 1987) COMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE -- LICENSING. Further addenda to FAR 52.212-4 are as (0128)

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