Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Government Printing Office, Attn: Bid Section, Room B104, Stop: PPSB, North Capitol & H Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20401

T -- LETTERS, PAMPHETS SOL C749-S POC Gloria Ross-Robertson, 202-512-0310 Program C749-S, Single Award term contract for the period 7/1/98 to 6/30/99. The Bulletins, Transmittals and Acknowledgements, 8-1/2 x 11 and 17 x 11 (for approximately 4 to 6 orders). Approximately 50 orders per year (up to 5 orders may be placed at one time). Approximately 1 to 65,000 copies order. Most order are for 4,750 copies. Operations as laser imaging (from disk and IBM nine track magnetic tape), printing, binding, inserting packing, updating distribution list and mailing. Quality level IV. Furnished materials will be picked up in Washington, DC. F.o.b. contractor's city. Bid openning anticipated during the month of May 1998. Request bid by invitation letter to the address above. (0048)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0114 19980219\T-0003.SOL)

T - Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services Index Page