Loren Data Corp.




Bureau of Reclamation, Acquisition Operations Group, Code D-7810, Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25007, Denver CO 80225

R -- HYDROLOGY SERVICES POC Contact Diana Mulligan, 303/445-2436, Contracting Officer, Diana Mulligan, 303/445-2436 WEB: AAMS Current Solicitation Listing, http://www.usa.gov/procurement/index.html. E-MAIL: Diana Mulligan, Contracting Officer, dmulligan@do.usbr.gov. Concerns having the ability to furnish the following services are requested to give written notification, including a telephone number for a Point of Contract (POC), to the acquisition office listed in this notice within 15 calendar days from the date of this synopsis. The Bureau of Reclamation intends to negotiate a three year Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) on a sole source basis with Dr. Melvin G. Schaefer of MGS Engineering, Inc., Lacey, Washington for continued development of a Monte Carlo Flood Hydrology computer model and for training Bureau of Reclamation engineers to use the model and in the data analysis methods. The Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) will be used and orders will be placed against the BPA as specific elements of work are defined. The total estimated value of all task orders issued for the three year period is estimated between $25,000 and $100,000 annually. Individual orders will not exceed the simplified acquisition threshhold. Over the last three years, Dr. Schaefer has been working on the Monte Carlo Flood Hydrology computer model for the State of Washington, in cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation. Using the model, flood frequency curves, reservoir stage frequency curves, and flood hydro-graphs can be developed. Through this order some of the modules will be expanded and include dynamic linked libraries (DLL's) for: thunderstorms, 1-day precipitation for a specific recurrence interval, season for 3-day storm, antecedent precipitation, and 3-day storm temporal distribution. A couple of projects will be selected for training Bureau of Reclamation engineers to use the model. The performance period will be specified in each order placed under the BPA and dependent upon the complexity of the requested work. Based on information available at this time, and in accordance with 41 U.S.C. 253 (c)(1), implemented by FAR 6.302-1, the Government considers the service specified only to be available from MGS Engineering Consultants, Inc. which is owned and operated by Dr. MelvinG. Schaefer. Because Dr. Schaefer developed the computer model he is believed to be the only one knowledgeable enough to modify it without duplication of development costs to Reclamation by attempts of another firm to create what has already been developed to date. However, should additional sources be identified, they will be considered. Firms that feel that they can furnish the required services (based upon the criteria specified herein) are invited to submit IN WRITING an affirmative response to this announcement. An affirmative response would include detailed data demonstrating that they have knowledge in the following: Strong academic credentials and ten years experience in engineering, hydrology, and meteorology and computer programming. Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with emphasis in surface water hydrology. Expertise in characteristics of extreme precipitation events and regional analysis of annual maximum rainfall by citing articles published on the subject. High Level state water management responsibilities; and, Working Monte Carlo Flood Hydrology computer model capable of producing flood frequency curves, reservoir stage frequency curves, and flood hydro-graphs. This information will be evaluated and used to determine if competitive opportunities exist. Since no solicitation document exists, requests for such documents without accompanying information will be considered nonresponsive to this request without further consideration. This notice may represent the Government's only official notice of this procurement. A firm is considered to be a small business for this acquisition if its average annual receipts, including any affiliates, for the preceding three years equates to $2.5 million or less. SIC CODE is 8711. All proposals from responsible sources will be considered. All sources responding to this synopsis shall submit information relating to their business status, including identification as to whether small, large, minority-owned, woman-owned, or 8(a) certified. Failure to submit this information could delay your receipt of any resulting solicitation. See Numbered Noted 26.***** (0035)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0081 19980209\R-0019.SOL)

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