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US Army ARDEC, AMSTA-AR-PC, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000

13 -- DETONATOR FOR MULTI-ROLE ANTI-ARMOR ANTI-PERSONNEL WEAPON SYSTEM (MAAWS) SOL DAAE30-98-Q-0111 DUE 021398 POC Christine Bernosky, Contract Specialist, (973) 724-2754 WEB: US ARMY TACOM-ARDEC Procurement Network, http://procnet.pica.army.mil/procacts.htm. E-MAIL: Christine Bernosky, cbernos@pica.army.mil. The U.S. Army TACOM-ARDEC currently has a requirement for detonators in support of the Multi-Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon System (MAAWS). The detonators must be fully compatible with the Bofors M3 Carl Gustaf HEAT 551C IM and HEDP 502 IM fuzes. The detonators are required to function reliably with a very low energy piezo-electric crystal power source. They are required to be hermetically sealed and provide high reliability over a long ammunition shelf life. Physical size limitations within the HEAT 551C IM and HEDP 502 IM fuzes require the detonator to be approximately 0.25 inches in diameter and 0.5 inches long. A quantity of 895 detonators will be procured, broken down as follows: 100 individual detonators, 493 detonators to be integrated into the Carl Gustaf HEAT 551C IM rounds, and 302 detonators to be integrated into the Carl Gustaf HEDP 502 IM rounds . Delivery for the detonators is required in August 1998. TACOM-ARDEC contemplates this action based on Other Than Full and Open Competition based on the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1), as implemented by FAR 6.302-1, Only One Responsible Source, as the agency's minimum needs can only be satisfied by the unique supplies available from Bofors, Sweden. See Numbered Notes 22 and 26. (0030)

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