Loren Data Corp.




National Guard Bureau, Contracting Support Office, 5109 Leesburg Pike Skyline VI, Suite 401B Falls Church, VA 22041-3201

F -- GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM SOL DAHA90-97-R-0019 POC CPT Karen A. Berning, Contract Specialist, (703)681-0633, Mary Ellen Lewis, Contracting Officer, (703)681-0639 E-MAIL: melewis@ngb-emh2.army.mil, kberning@ngb-emh2.army.mil. Geographic Information System- National Guard Bureau intends to enter into a cost contract with Utah State University, Logan Utah for the development of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to manage, analyze and display a variety of environmental and training information pertinent to the management of natural resources which will integrate local, state and national data sets appropriate to meet the hierarchical needs of training and environmental mandates. This contract shall be for one base year and four option years. A series of inventorying and monitoring natural/cultural resources is required to determine conditions and trends. Data will be collected to analyze how training lands can support a myriad of military training missions indefinitely. The contractor will furnish all services and supplies to provide GIS services using commercial off-the-shelf software and will provide other support services. The services require a diversity of skills suitable to a variety of GIS technology environments and functional expertise in the areas of commercial software applications development, data management and processing, mapping, natural resource analysis, aerial and satellite imagery methods, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) technology, military training activities, facility management and planning, GIS technical support and training, CD-rom technology, computer hardware and data quality control. This contract is the continuation of an on-going effort, the contractor having the knowledge and understanding that makes them uniquely qualified to provide these services. This action is not a request for competitive proposals. See Note #22. (0226)

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F - Natural Resources and Conservation Services Index Page