Loren Data Corp.




Rural Development, USDA, PSMD/PPMMB, 1520 Market Street, St. Louis, MO 63103

70 -- LASER PRINTER SYSTEM POC Patricia A. Darian, Contract Specialist/Beverly Jones, Contracting Officer, (314) 539- 3827 This is a notice of intent to purchase one remarketed Xerox Laser Printer System,Model 4050, with Solimar TCP/IP and HP/PCL input and bus and tag output. Pricing forthis equipment shall be priced as separate line items as follows: a) Xerox Laser PrinterSystem, Model 4050, b) Solimar TCP/IP and HP/PCL input and bus and tag output, c)Printing systems centralized operator and one back-up operator training, d) Documentation, e) Delivery and installation, f) Start up services, g) Unit price of toner,developer, and fuser, h) Monthly maintenance costs. This acquisition will be porcessedusing the Simplified Acquisition Procedures. Delivery of the system shall be RuralDevelopment, 4300 Goodfellow, St. Louis, Missouri 63103. This requirement is for ''brandname'' only to interface with existing equipment. Offers for an equal product will not beconsidered. Requirement is not set aside for small business concerns. All responsiblebusinesses may submit an offer to be considered. Facsimile offers will be accepted. Faxnumber: (314) 539-2480. No solicitation will be issued as a result of this notice. Requestsfor a solictation will be considered non-responsive and given no consideration. Offers shallbe received no later than close of business 15 calendar days after the publication date ofthis notice to be considered. Responses to this notice will be considered for award to theresponsible offeror submitting the lowest overall cost to the Government. (0254)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0275 19960911\70-0013.SOL)

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