Loren Data Corp.




INFORMATION WARFARE SEMINAR (IW) Edie Singleton, Point of Contact, 617-861-6414. On 20 July 1995 an Information Warfare (IW) Seminar is being sponsored by the Patriots' Roost Chapter, Association of Old Crows (AOC), with support of the Air Force Electronic System Center Directorate for Intelligence and Information Warfare Systems (ESC/IC). The purpose of the seminar is to disseminate and discuss information relative to concepts, policy, and initiatives in the area of information warfare. It will be attended by both US government and industry. It will be composed of high level government speakers (military and/or civil service) and a panel discussion/questions & answer session (with those speakers) at the end of the day. The seminar will be held in MITRE Building S, Room 1S100, Bedford, Massachusetts. COST: AOC Members: $150.00, AOC Non-members: $175.00, and Government: $125.00. Reservations can be made by contacting Ms Edie Singleton, (617) 861-6414, FAX: (617) 861-1345, address: AOC, Patriots' Roost, P.O. Box 52, Concord, MA 01742.

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