Loren Data Corp.




NASA, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Procurement Office, GP26-L, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812

Z -- REPAIR HIGH PRESSURE PIPING SYSTEM (FY-95) SOL IFB MSFC 8-95-2 POC Contact Chuck Hamlin, GP26-L, 205-544-0347/Contract Specialist, or Stanley E. McCall, GP26/Contracting Officer DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work to be performed under this project consist of providing labor, equipment and materials to install, clean and test approximately 6,000 feet of 3-inch, 2,000 feet of 2-inch, and 1,000 feet of 1.5 inch of new XXSTR, 5,000 psig, GN2 piping, and ancillary hardware. The installation will be above and below grade under roads and paved areas, and in open trenches; numerous connections to existing facilities; sleeving; pipe supports; construction of new manholes; removal and replacement of existing manholes; cleaning and pressure testing of approximately 600 feet of existing 2-inch and 3-inch piping; radiography of welds; corrosion control; cleaning to the MSFC Class 1 level, and final testing -- Worksite is the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, AL -- The standard industrial classification code for this procurement is 1711 (Mechanical) -- Period of Performance is 365 calendar days -- Estimated price range is between $500,000.00 and $1,000,000.00 -- Firms responding to this ad will be provided the solicitation package with drawings and specifications -- The bid opening date will be contained in the solicitation -- All request for the solicitation package must be in writing. (0038)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0210 19950208\Z-0032.SOL)

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