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Q -- Medical Maintenance Agreement

Notice Date
Notice Type
811219 — Other Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Combat Command, 366 CONS, 366 Gunfighter Ave Ste 498, Mountain Home AFB, ID, 83648-5296
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Craig Goodrich, Contract Specialist, Phone 208-828-6479, Fax 208-828-2658, - Jody Desormeaux, Administrator, Phone 208-828-3109, Fax 208-828-2658,
E-Mail Address
craig.goodrich@mountainhome.af.mil, jody.desormeaux@mountainhome.af.mil
(i)This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and written solicitation will not be issued. (ii) RFQ F73SGL42260200 is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items. This combined synopsis/solicitation is issued as a request for quote (RFQ). Submit written offers only, oral offers will not be accepted. All firms or individuals responding must be registered with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR). (iii) This combined synopsis/solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 01-24. It is the contractor?s responsibility to be familiar with applicable clauses and provisions. Clauses and provisions can be found at: http://farsite.hill.af.mil/vffar1.htm (iv) This procurement is being issued as UNRESTRICTED. North American Industrial Classification Standard: 811219; Small Business Size Standard: $6,000,000. (v) Services, non-personal: contractor to furnish all labor, tools, parts, materials, facilities, transportation, and supervision necessary to maintain the following equipment of the Mountain Home AFB medical facility. All part numbers are Steris Corporation CLIN (0001) (1 Each Century 16/20 VAC-SD Steam (millenium) ?Platinum parts and labor ?Sterilizers ? current Equipment # PLB0X-04-XXXSC11. CLIN (0002) (1 Each Century 16/20 VAC-SD Steam (millenium) ?Platinum parts and labor ?Sterilizers ? current Equipment # PLB0X-04-XXXSC11. CLIN (0003) (1 Each Eagle 3000 STG 24X3 6X48/ 60 VAC-DBL PD ?Platinum parts and labor ?Sterilizers ? current Equipment #PLB0X-04-XXSC37. CLIN (0004) (1 Each Reliance 44 Washer MD/PD (Before SN 3624502XXX) ?Platinum parts and labor ?Washers ? current Equipment #PLB04X-0V-XXWA328. CLIN (0005) (1 Each Sonic Console -Platinum parts and labor ?Surgical Equipment #PLB0X-02-XXSS284. CLIN (0006) (1 Each System ? 1 - Platinum parts and labor ?Sterilizers ? current Equipment #PLB0X-04-XXCS66 CLIN (0007) (1 Each System ? 1 - Platinum parts and labor CLIN (0008) (1 Each System ? 1 - Platinum parts and labor?Sterilizers ? current Equipment #PLB0X-04-XXCS66 CLIN (0009) (1 Each Century 16/20 VAC DD Steam (millenium) ?Platinum parts and labor ?Sterilizers ? current Equipment # PLB0X-04-XXXSC11 CLIN (0010) (1 Each Century 16/20 VAC-SD Elec ?Platinum parts and labor ?Sterilizers ? current Equipment # PLB0X-04-XXXSC11 See Attached Statement of Work (vi) STATEMENT OF WORK Steris Brand Equipment Maintenance and Repair 20 October 2004 SECTION TITLE PAGE 1 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. 2 2 SERVICE DELIVERY SUMMARY 4 3 GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED 5 PROPERTY AND SERVICES 4 GENERAL INFORMAITON 6 APPENDEXES 1. DEFINITIONS 11 SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES 1. Description of services. Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, supervision, management, supplies, material handling, transportation, and facilities (except as identified elsewhere in this solicitation) necessary to perform maintenance on government owned, Steris Brand Sterilizers, Sonic Cleaners, and Instrument Washers for the 366th Medical Group, 90 Hope Drive, Mountain Home AFB, ID. All services are to be performed in accordance with standard industry practices, quality assurance measures and meet manufacturer warranties. Services shall include repair and part replacement. These services are in support of patient care programs. CONTRACTOR MUST BE CERTIFIED TO PERFORM SERVICES ON STERIS EQUIPMENT TO BID ON THIS SOLICITATION. 1.1. Requirements. 1.1.1. Scheduled Maintenance. The contractor shall provide Scheduled Maintenance, parts and/or labor on equipment listed in paragraph 1.1.6. and at the frequencies required for each item. 1.1.2. Repairs. Contractor shall provide repair services, parts and/or labor for equipment listed in paragraph 1.1.6. 1.1.3. Recall Alerts. The contractor shall provide a recall alert monitoring and notification service for Steris Brand equipment. 1.1.4. Documentation. The contractor will provide copies of all scheduled preventative maintenance records and corrective maintenance orders. Provide an invoice to Medical Maintenance for repair services, parts and/or labor. 1.1.5. Preventive Maintenance (PM) inspection. Prior to acceptance of proposed maintenance agreement, a Pre-PM inspection is required to verify that the equipment is operating in accordance with manufacturer?s original equipment specifications. The pre-PM will be at the government?s expense. 1.1.6. Equipment Requiring maintenance and service: EQUIPMENT ITEM MANUFACTURER MODEL MODEL NUMBER Sterilizer, VAC-SD Steam Steris Century 16/20 (Millennium) PLB0X-04-XXXSC11 Sterilizer, VAC-SD Steam Steris Century 16/20 (Millennium) PLB0X-04-XXXSC11 Sterilizer, VAC-DBL PD. Steris Eagle 3000 PLB0X-04-XXSC37 Washer Instrument Steris Reliance 44D PLB04X-0V-XXWA328 Sonic Console Steris PLB0X-02-XXSS284 Sterilizer Steris System-1 PLB0X-04-XXCS66 Sterilizer Steris System-1 PLB0X-04-XXCS66 Sterilizer Steris System-1 PLB0X-04-XXCS66 Sterilizer, VAC-SD Steam Steris Century 16/20 (Millennium) PLB0X-04-XXXSC11 Sterilizer, VAC-SD Steam Steris Century 16/20 (Millennium) PLB0X-04-XXXSC11 SECTION 2 SERVICE DELIVERY SUMMARY P.O.# PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE PARAGRAPH PERFORMANCETHRESHOLD 1. Schedule Maintenance 1.1.1. Timeliness: 100% 2. Repairs 1.1.2. Accuracy: 100%Timeliness: 100% 3. Recall Alerts 1.1.3. Accuracy: 100%Timeliness: 100% 4. Documentation Maintenance Records Accuracy: 95%Timeliness: 95% 5. Documentation Maintenance Invoice Accuracy: 95%Timeliness: 95% SECTION 3 GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY AND SERVICES 3. Government-Furnished Property and Services. The Government shall provide, without cost, the items listed below: 3.1. Telephone. Contractor personnel shall be allowed the use of a Government telephone for local calls or toll free calls upon request. SECTION 4 GENERAL INFORMATION 4. General Information: The following specific tasks are to be performed by the contractor. 4.1. Holidays: When the holiday is on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be the federal holiday. When the holiday is on a Sunday, the following Monday will be the federal holiday. Asterisk (*) indicated dates change each year. The Base Commander sometimes declares ?family days? or other days for base personnel to take a holiday. List of Federal Holidays 5. (a) 1 January New Year?s Day 6. (b) 3rd Monday in January * Martin Luther King?s Day 7. (c) 3rd Monday in February President?s Day 8. (d) Last Monday in May * Memorial Day 9. (e) 4 July Independence Day 10. (f) 1st Monday in September * Labor Day 11. (g) 2nd Monday in October * Columbus Day 12. (h) 11 November Veteran?s Day 13. (i) 4th Thursday in November * Thanksgiving 14. (j) 25 December Christmas 14.1. Requirements for Contractor Personnel Requesting Base Entry: 14.1.1. All Contractors who work on base must submit a typewritten request with the name, driver?s license number, social security number, date of birth, and employer of each employee to obtain an authorization letter from the Base Contracting office. This letter is then submitted to the 366 Security Forces Squadron. When that letter is approved, an AF Form 75 shall be issued for each employee for the duration of the contract not to exceed one year. If the option is exercised, the employees shall be required to renew issued AF Form 75. (NOTE: A complete background check shall be conducted on all of the employees submitted. The 366 Security Forces Squadron has the right to refuse entry of any contractor employee to Mountain Home AFB, based upon the results of the background check). Contractor passes shall not exceed a period of more than one year. 14.1.2. When the AF Form 75 is issued; confirmation of Contractor?s employees shall be accomplished by verifying the person?s credentials (driver?s license) against the Contractor-supplied employee list. AF Forms 75 issued in excess of 90 days shall have a photograph attached to the upper left-hand corner. 14.1.3. A vehicle pass shall be issued upon receipt of proof of insurance and vehicle registration. Delivery vehicles shall be granted entry to the base upon presentation of a valid bill of lading and/or delivery slip. If the driver changes vehicles prior to coming onto the base, he/she shall stop at the Visitor Center to obtain a vehicle pass for that particular vehicle. 14.1.4. Contractors shall provide the Contracting Officer a list of its employees or Subcontractor employees, in advance, who shall need to be vouched on base for one day. 14.1.5. Contractors operating on base shall be responsible for briefing and ensuring the employees adhere to the traffic rules and regulations. The Foremen, Job Supervisor and/or other personnel providing workman leadership shall, when possible, ensure the workers comply with these rules and regulations. Speed limit on base is 30 miles per hour (MPH) unless otherwise posted. The speed limit in base housing areas is 15 MPH and the speed limit in parking lots is 5 MPH. In the school zone, when the warning signal is flashing, the speed limit is 15 MPH. Individuals are to obey all entry procedures. When Security Police personnel give instructions, they shall be complied with immediately. Security Police utilize speed detection devices and citations shall be issued to violators. Personnel who park on grass or seeded areas shall be cited. 14.1.6. Contractor personnel shall be given direction by Security Forces personnel and/or the Contracting Officer, as to what actions are required, if any, during higher states of readiness requiring changes Force Protection Conditions, i.e., FPCON Alpha, Bravo, Charlie or Delta during exercises and real world events. 14.1.7. The installation is considered a controlled area. The Contractor may experience delays or denied entry because of compliance with entrance/exit requirements as indicated by the readiness state. 14.1.8. Re-maintenance of equipment. In accordance with the provisions of this contract covering inspection, acceptance, and payment, items found not to meet the requirements of the contract terms shall be re-repaired at no additional cost to the Government. Such items (found by the MTF personnel as packages are opened) shall be identified by the QAP to the contractor's representative. 14.2. Performance of Service during crisis declared by the national Command authority or overseas combatant commander. According to DODI 3020.37, on occasion, services may be required to support an activation or exercise of contingency plans outside the normal duty hours, as described in Paragraph 4.3.1. 14.2.1. Contingency or emergency tasking shall be limited to large increases in patient census due to accident and rescue operation, civil disturbances, natural disasters, and military peacetime and wartime contingency operations. The workload generated by these events is dependent on the number of patients admitted and the severity of their injuries. The Contracting Officer shall notify the contractor at the beginning and end of the contingency and/or emergency period. For the duration of the contingency/emergency period, the contractor shall continue to provide the required service within the times specified within this document. 14.2.2. Scheduled services are to be accomplished subject to emergency situations, which may require alteration of schedules. Contractor shall respond by phone within one hour and physically respond within eight (8) hours on emergency calls. Emergency situations shall be defined by the QAP. In the event of medical facility emergencies and/or disasters, the Contractor may be required to perform additional services. 14.3. Quality Performance Plan. The contractor shall develop a maintain a quality program to ensure services are performed in accordance with commonly accepted commercial practices, manufacturers? recommendations, this contract, and all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. As a minimum, the contractor shall develop quality assurance procedures addressing the areas identified in the Service Delivery Summary. The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, correct, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The contractor shall provide a copy of the quality performance plan to the contracting officer no later than the pre-performance conference, and updated copies as changes occur. Records of all inspections conducted by the contractor and corrective action taken shall be made available to the government upon request. 14.4. Performance Evaluation Meetings. The CO shall require the Contractor to meet with the CO, contract administrator, Functional Commander, and other government personnel as often as deemed necessary. The Contractor may request a meeting with the CO quarterly and/or when deemed necessary. Meetings shall be documented in the contract file with written minutes signed by the contractor and the CO, or contract administrator. Should the Contractor not concur with the minutes, such non-concurrence shall be provided in writing to the CO within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the minutes. 14.5. Disruption of services. If routine services are disrupted through fault or negligence of the contractor for more than twenty-four (24) hours, the Government reserves the right to procure such from another source. 14.6. Contract Management: 14.6.1. Contractor Responsibilities: The contractor shall designate, in writing, one program manager (PM) who shall be responsible and accountable for the overall supervision and control of all contractor services and personnel required to satisfy the requirements of this SOW and shall also function as a technical representative. The PM shall identify, in writing, a project manager, if required, to the Contracting Officer. The PM is to be reached during normal business hours, which are 0700 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The PM will also provide emergency contact numbers to be used in emergency situations. The contractor shall have a Quality Assurance Program in place that covers all requirements listed in the Service Delivery Summary (see Section 2.0). The program shall consist of methods used for identifying and preventing defects in the quality of service performed. While working on government installations, contractor personnel shall present a neat appearance and be easily recognized. This may be accomplished by wearing distinctive clothing bearing the name of the company and employee name or by wearing appropriate badges bearing the name of the company and employee name. All contractor commercial vehicles shall be easily recognizable by either painting the side of the vehicle with the company name and/or logo or using magnetic signs containing the company name and/or logo. The contractor shall obtain identification cards and base passes for all employees and vehicles. The application for passes shall be coordinated through the Contracting Officer or his/her representative. Upon termination of employment, the contractor shall return identification cards and base passes to the 366th Security Forces Squadron within 24 hours of the release of the employee. Contractor personnel must be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language. The contractor shall not employ any person who is an employee of the United States government if the employment of that person would create a conflict of interest, nor shall the contractor employ any person who is an employee of the Department of the Air Force, either military or civilian, unless such person seeks and receives approval in accordance with DOD 5500.7 and the Joint Ethics Regulation. The contractor shall, without any additional expense to the government, be responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses and permits, and for complying with any applicable Federal, State, and municipal laws, codes, and regulations in connection with the performance of the work as specified in this SOW. The contractor shall be liable for all personnel injuries and equipment damage that result from their negligence or failure to follow safety/health guidelines. The contractor shall take proper safety and health precautions to protect work, workers, the public, and the property of others, to include all appropriate insurance. The contractor?s PM shall implement procedures to encourage early problem identification and expeditious resolutions and/or remedies. The contractor shall be responsible for complying with the security requirements as established by the Base Commander. 14.7. Transportation 14.7.1. Civil Damages. The government is not liable for civil damages resulting from actions of contractor employees while utilizing contractor owned or civilian privately owned vehicles (POV). 14.7.2. Licenses and Training. Contractor motor vehicles shall be operated and maintained in accordance with applicable regulations and laws when such motor vehicles are operated on government installations. 14.8. Government Responsibilities. 14.8.1. Government personnel shall provide access to equipment that requires maintenance and/or repair. The Government shall retain a copy of each completed ticket and invoice. APPENDIX 1 DEFINITIONS: Government Quality Assurance: Those actions taken by the Government to assure services meet the requirements of the SOW and contract provisions. Contracting Officer: The Contracting Officer is the person with the authority to enter into, administer, modify, and/or terminate contracts for the government. The Contracting Officer is responsible for ensuring the performance and compliance with the terms of the contract and safeguarding the interests of the government in its contractual relationship. Program Manager: The contractor individual responsible for overall performance of this contract appointed, in writing, by an officer of the company to the Contracting Officer. The Program Manager shall be available to meet with the Contracting Officer to discuss performance. Service Delivery Summary: The service delivery summary defines the performance objectives and the performance thresholds for meeting those objectives. Quality Assurance Personnel (QAP): The designated government representative who shall perform surveillance of the contractor?s performance and is responsible for collecting all standardized evaluation and data collection forms for his/her performance site. Medical Treatment Facility (MTF): Those facilities providing outpatient and/or inpatient health care services for authorized personnel. (vii) FOB: Destination for delivery to: 366 MDG, 90 Hope Dr. Bldg 6000, Mountain Home AFB, ID 83648. Responsibility and Inspection: Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements and Quality Control (QC). (viii) The provision at FAR 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors?Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition. (ix) The Government will award a firm-fixed price contract resulting from this combined synopsis/solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the synopsis/solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. Award shall be based on a Best Value to the Government. Best value can include but is not limited to price, delivery date, and technical capability. (x) Offerors must include a completed copy of the provision at FAR 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications ? Commercial Items, with quote. (xi) The clause at FAR 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions-Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition. 52.212-4 addendum to are included. (xii) The clause at FAR 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders - Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition. Specifically the following clauses cited are applicable to this solicitation: FAR 52.219-6 Notice of Total Small Business Aside; FAR 52.222-3 Convict Labor; 52.222-19 Child Labor?Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies; FAR 52.222-21 Prohibition of Segregated Facilities; FAR 52.222-26 Equal Opportunity; FAR 52.222-35 Affirmative Action for Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era; FAR 52.222-36 Affirmative Action for Handicapped Workers; FAR 52.222-37 Employment Reports on Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era; FAR 52.225-13 -Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases; FAR 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer--Central Contractor Registration. (xiii) The following provisions and clauses apply to this acquisition: FAR 52.211-6 Brand Name or Equal; FAR 52.203-3 Gratuities; FAR 52.222-22 Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports; FAR 52.223-3 Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data; FAR 52.233-3 Protest After Award; FAR 52.247-34 - F.o.b. ? Destination; FAR 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference; FAR 52.253-1 Computer Generated Forms. The clause at 252.204-7001 Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code Reporting; DFARS 252.204-7004 Required Central Contractor Registration; DFARS 252.212-7001 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statues or Executive Orders applicable to Defense Acquisition of Commercial Items, applies to this acquisition. Specifically, the following clauses cited are applicable to this solicitation; DFARS 252.225-7000 Buy American Act--Balance of Payments Program Certificate; DFARS 252.225-7001 Buy American Act and Balance of Payment Program; DFARS 252.225-7002 Qualifying Country Sources as Subcontractors; DFARS 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of Payment Requests; (xv) Numbered Notes: 1, (xvi) All quotes must be emailed to A1C Beau Barnett at beau.barnett@mountainhome.af.mil, or faxed to (208) 828-2658 with attention to A1C Beau Barnett. Quotes are required to be received no later than 16:30 MST, Wednesday, 3 November 2004. NOTE: THIS NOTICE WAS NOT POSTED TO WWW.FEDBIZOPPS.GOV ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (28-OCT-2004). IT ACTUALLY APPEARED OR REAPPEARED ON THE FEDBIZOPPS SYSTEM ON 29-OCT-2004. PLEASE CONTACT fbo.support@gsa.gov REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
Place of Performance
Address: 90 Hope Dr., BLDG 6000, Mountain Home AFB, ID
Zip Code: 83648
Country: US
SN00701180-W 20041031/041029212431 (fbodaily.com)
FedBizOpps.gov Link to This Notice
(may not be valid after Archive Date)

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