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R -- To provide critical technical and statistical support for the development of the Healthy People 2010 Midcourse Review (MCR).

Notice Date
Notice Type
Solicitation Notice
541990 — All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Contracting Office
Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Acquisition and Assistance Field Branch (Cincinnati), 4676 Columbia Parkway M/S C-4, Cincinnati, OH, 45226
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Patricia Rose, Procurement Technician, Phone (513)533-8256, Fax (513)533-8283, - Dwight Favors, Supervisory Contract Specialist, Phone (513)533-8137, Fax (513)533-8283,
E-Mail Address
par2@cdc.gov, dyf3@cdc.gov
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Office of Analysis and Epidemiology (OAE), Health Promotion Statistics Branch (HPSB), plans to conduct negotiations on a sole source basis with Maryanne Freedman, for a professional services contract to provide critical technical and statistical support for the development of the Healthy People 2010 Midcourse Review (MCR). HPSB provides statistical and technical support to the Office for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, HHS. ODPHP is the HHS office responsible for coordinating Healthy People 2010 and is leading the MCR activity. Healthy People 2010 contains 467 objectives organized into 28 Focus Areas. The data for tracking the objectives come from 190 data sources; it is HPSB's responsibility to gather, interpret, disseminate and communicate the data. As the decade reaches the mid-point and Healthy People 2010 reaches the midcourse, there are several thousand data points to be reviewed and analyzed. The Midcourse Review (MCR) is an opportunity to verify that the objectives can be tracked, examine the trends for each objective, and assess the progress of the Healthy People 2010 objectives. The substantial breadth and depth of these tasks will require considerable technical and editorial expertise. The services requested will allow HPSB to create the drafts of the data-intensive portions of the MCR while the staff is still fully occupied with other vital Healthy People 2010 assignments, including briefings of the Assistant Secretary for Health and the NCHS Director, Progress Review production, and gathering data before the 12/31/04 MCR data cutoff. In addition, considerable assistance will be required for editing the text portions of the MCR and other data-related functions during the period of the contract. OBJECTIVE: The objective is to engage the services of an individual with knowledge of both the conceptual framework of Healthy People 2010 and the technical expertise in health data and the expertise to communicate statistical information to health professionals and the public. The Contractor will complement the analytical and subject expertise of HPSB staff and provide a high-level, overall view of the content as well as statistical and editorial support for the creation of the Healthy People 2010 MCR products. SCOPE OF WORK: In order to achieve the objective, the following activities will be carried out under the contract: Task 1-0 Kick-off meeting The Contractor shall meet with the HPSB to confirm the tasks and timeframe for the scope of work. Task 2-0 Review, rewrite, and edit Parts A and C of Tracking Healthy People (THP). Part A of THP, "General Data Issues," contains detailed information regarding population estimates, missing data, State and local data, and variability. The Contractor will review the 50-page section, ascertain which issues have changed, update and rewrite when necessary, and edit the section. Part C of THP, "Major Data Sources," contains descriptions of 23 data systems; the content and coverage of these sources may have changed over time, thereby affecting the measurement of Healthy People 2010 objectives. The Contractor will review the data source descriptions, update, and rewrite as needed. Task 3-0 Edit Part B and the List of Tables and Figures of Tracking Healthy People. Part B of Tracking Healthy People, "Operational Definitions," is comprised of 28 chapters organized by Focus Area, and contains details for each objective, including national data source, state data source, measure, baseline, numerator, denominator, and more. During the MCR, many objectives will change; developmental objectives will become measurable, data sources and baselines will change, and objectives will be dropped. The THP chapters will be rewritten by eight different analysts. The Contractor will edit the chapters for technical content and overall clarity. Task 4-0 Produce Templates for Progress Quotient and Disparity Measurement charts and tables for each Focus Area. The purpose of the MCR is to report progress toward the Healthy People 2010 goals and objectives at the midpoint of the decade. Progress quotient and disparity charts and table templates will be produced for each focus area chapter. The Contractor shall work with HPSB to develop and refine the components of the charts. Task 5-0 Produce Progress Quotient and Disparity measurement charts and tables. The Contractor, working with the templates produced in Task 4, shall produce the final progress quotient and disparity measurement charts and tables for each focus area. Task 6-0 Design and Produce MCR Appendix contents. The Contractor shall design and produce the technical notes and appendices tables that will provide additional information on the measurement of progress and health disparities. Task 7-0 Review and Edit MCR publication front materials for goals 1 and 2. The Contractor shall edit the goals section of the MCR text to provide consistency of format and writing style. Task 8-0 Edit MCR focus area chapter text. The Contractor shall edit the MCR chapter text for each focus area, assuring consistency of format and writing style. This task is crucial in light of the fact that each of the 28 focus areas will have a different author. Task 9-0 Review and edit final clearance version of MCR. The Contractor shall edit the MCR goals section, chapter text for each focus area, and appendices, ensuring consistency of format and writing style. Significant attention to detail will be needed to ensure consistency throughout the MCR, and the incorporation of public comments. Task 10-0 Review and edit final MCR The Contractor shall edit all changed portions of the text, ensuring the incorporation of the HHS-wide clearance comments while maintaining consistency of format and style. This task is expected to be performed under severe time constraints. Task 11-0 Produce Summary Report (i.e., Statistical Note) The Contractor will prepare a summary report (i.e., Statistical Note) of the changes accomplished during the MCR, including significant changes to the data definitions, objectives that have been dropped, changed re-worded, and added. ALL TASKS TO BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST, 2006. CAPABILITIES REQUIREMENTS: Through this announcement, alternate sources are being offered the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities to provide the services specifically identified above. To be considered qualified, sources must submit a capabilities statement, which demonstrates in writing that they have the intricate knowledge of the data needs and programmatic demands of the project and possess the following: 1) In-depth understanding of the Healthy People program, structure, interrelationships between the Department, NCHS and the lead agencies for the Focus Areas. 2) Broad and deep understanding of the data used to track the Healthy People 2010 objectives, including, but not limited to, national and State data sources and definitional and measurement issues. 3) Extensive knowledge of statistics and statistical issues associated with measuring health indicators. 4) Understanding of the theoretical and measurement issues connected with the two goals of Healthy People ? increasing years of healthy life and eliminating health disparities. 5) Efficient in the use of Microsoft products, particularly Word, Excel and Powerpoint. 6) Facility in compiling and interpreting data points. 7) Expertise in drafting and editing complex, date-intensive publications. Qualified organizations are encouraged to submit a capabilities statement which addresses the requirements and contains material in sufficient detail to allow NCHS to determine if the organization can perform this requirement. Capabilities are to be received in the CDC/NIOSH contracting office no later than fifteen (15) days from the date of this announcement. Submit written information to: Patricia Rose, CDC/PGO/AAFB, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, Mail Stop C-4, Reference #0000HCS4-2004-09755. The intent of this synopsis is to determine whether alternative sources exist. Information received will be used solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement. A determination by the Government not to compete this proposed requirement based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government. All responsible sources may submit a response, which shall be considered by the Agency.
Place of Performance
Address: 3311 Toledo Road, Hyattsville, MD,
Zip Code: 20782
Country: USA
SN00595758-W 20040604/040602211747 (fbodaily.com)
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